
my grandson the yoda lol

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Its been a while but im still here :)

So ........ whats life been about well


Well, what can i say its been good so far (dont want to temp fate ;/ )
Lifes a lot easier, its lots better

My boy got married to a lovely girl :) see photos previous post
My viki's issue from 2 years ago got resolved just before xmas 2012 so was a nice relief to start the new year with out that worry

Sold 3 of my paintings - 815 paintings on display and i sold 3 of my 5 - WELL CHUFFED !
And did this one recently my friend lost her beloved cat Agatha this was for her

Finances  - ok for the climate and the fact im not working
House - getting there kitchen is lots better than it was almost like a real kitchen will post photos when its done :)
Got a new car - still have mg but its ready to go no more wasted money on it im sorry to say as it was a lovely car but more spent on it than its worth and still unreliable and costing :/

 This is my new girl - i still  have my lovely classic merc but requiring lots of tlc time and attention and of course the dreaded money :/
Its lots easier having a 4 seater the dogs have their own seats lol :D
I wanted to keep a convertible - very pleased - very chuffed

Just had wedding anniversary 34 years  wooooha :S
And to add to age scare, liam our grandson turned 16 and left school -  will be doing college till 17 then a grown up working man arghh how did that happen so quickly 
This week we celebrated our nicks 30th again arghh time has just flown im sure he cant be that old lol

ok its not been good but ive pretty much maintained  - been a bit of a yo yo on 3-4lbs up and down and lost my toning - need to kick my self in to touch we have a cruise in september :O

My health is bit of an issue, since christmas ive not been feeling so good - nothing to really shout about but out of sorts and its not passed im tired all the time erratic sleeping (and eating obviously why diet isnt happening ) im hoping to start back on a fitness thing soon just not been able to get my head back to it yet but hopefully that will change

I dont want to mention the 'so called friends' dont want them on my blog any more - ive pretty much moved on but i do want to mention that a few fridays ago i got the opportunity to put some things aside with V among it she told me (twice) that she missed our friendship, well we always were very close good friends i guess thats why its been so painful :( still it has helped me in that she obviously felt some thing in losing me as a friend but i also learned that in trying to put things right she knew she only made them worse (which i know she did thats why i walked away) and she admitted that she just didnt know how to put things right again. I felt like saying WELL .... but decide to let it rest at that as she was clearly trying to tell me she wanted thing to be better between us but it just wasnt happening. For me it stopped a little bit of heart ache and yes ive pretty much moved on and knowing she cared enough to miss our friendship too has helped me move on just that little bit more. Nothing else has changed and i doubt it will now but thats pretty much the end of the matter - who knows what time may bring - will it bring back that friendship possibly but not with the same trust im sad to say :(

Ive shopped and been out and enjoyed myself a lot more than i have done in 7 years im lots happier generally although things are not perfect (health is one) its all still a day at a time but its better.
Sadly still had bereavements - not so close although some i  knew very well as a child but not close to, still sad and i attended some of the funerals.

I recently got back to sewing and made the cushions for our bargain auction buy of an old conservatory set for a tenner  - hoping the covering goes well round the pool area (its not my usual taste) 

 Well the animals like it and making their selves comfy lol

Im feeling a bit lonely lately, having to do much on my own as my friends have moved and one off to aussie and of course the others are no longer my friends and the long term one i see when its convenient to her having stepped in to my shoes im not sure if its not her thats prevented things from moving on :/ 
 still arghh im not going to keep on about that grrr still keeps popping up -  but im trying honest !

The future?
Well its looking good - i  have a cruise with my sister and her husband to look forward to i wish my other sister could have come too but theres been some issues - her hubby had a heart by pass among other stuff but its time for me and wilf to have some rest and enjoyment he works so hard 7 days a week and coming home doing more - i truly dont know how he does it  bless him 

Im gonna go out and about, even if its  on my own, enjoy myself and visit places ive never been and hopefully wilf can join me some times. Im looking for a part time job but nothing about and i am a bit wary with my health not 100%  
But we will see :) 

 So thats pretty much it i guess 

My fluffy tuppence

My fluffy tuppence

