
my grandson the yoda lol

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Getting over things

So ... January is near to the end, its flown by

I'm still doing much the same, overloaded at work and not dealing with it very well, ive turned in to a whining whinny but fed up of doing other peoples work if they are not capable they shouldnt have the jobs arghh ... see here i go again :D

im also still cleaning and clearing this never finished anything house. My daughter in law has gone back to mexico for 7 weeks, she was a bit home sick i think it will do her good and it give me a chance to have a good sort through things here  as son and hubby at work grandson is staying at his dads so just me and the dog. ive done a load of overtime at work but thats it for now so my time is back to being mine for a while :)

oh yeah :/ ... well i started off good .... its been up and down, ive really acheived nothing :(
On friday i had my hair done, did a bit of shopping got some clothes came home and i was really good had some home made tomato soup was lush ... i sat back on the sofa and had an over whelming
tiredness i assumed it was because i had done a long shift (12 hrs) and then running about all morning plus my sleeps is still rubbish, so i trotted off to bed time was my own so nothing to stop me having a much needed snoooooooze zzzzzzzzzz i woke about 7pm and i was in pain YEP  i have  a fibromyalgia flare up WHAT THE HELL triggered that :'( well i couldnt do much at all just slept form the exhausted wipe out that i get with it but at least with so much sleep i dont notice the pain until awake :/ i went to sisters saturday evening and we had a chinese of which i ate little, sunday i barely drank my skinny latte (my sister and i have a family catch up time each sunday over a coffee)
i came home and stuck the juicer on ive for the most been juicing and thank goodness the fibro eased, im not sure how i got through monday but tuesday it had gone down to a bruised feeling and wednesday tender but i got done and the wipe out feeling passed enough i got to play darts too. The juicing has helped, other flare ups have lasted weeks and on occasions i thought one coming i have juiced and its held it at bay and passed hence my not suffering as i did when first diagnosed but this one i didnt see coming. So i should have lost a few lbs  ... but nooooooooo :/ why the hell not ??? has my body gone in storage? i have had a few naughty moments but nothing major, my calorie count site shows all my stuff as good no high fats or anything and im under my calories (but only by default) so why have i not moved the scales ... Today i decided to continue juicing, i still have the fibro i am eating with the juicing but only veg and fruit, i did a stir fry for lunch which was really nice and refreshing and ive had a home made soup so i know no baddy sugars or anything, ive had a couple of sleeps and i got up late so the fibro thing is hanging around but the way i felt friday i knew it was going to be a bad one :/  Im pretty sure juicing / healthy eating has helped me im sure i would be suffering more had i not juiced ... one hell of a good reason to get this diet going just wish the weight would vanish along with the pain !

General things
ummmmmmmm not much happening as i said above ... hubby and i do get to go to see the Roy Orbison story saturday thanks to my daughter buying us tickets
My 'friend' is having burns night following saturday which i sooooo dont want to go to :/  i need a good excuse, i just dont like how her 'celebrations' have got .. they are to rowdy for me, i do love a good party but hers are just not enjoyable these days  ... maybe down to the company she keeps ... not really a maybe about it!.

No news on my niece as of yet shes holding her own, i hope she gets some time i hope she gets a lot of time, we know its not going to be long but i hope its much longer than they have assessed   Bless her

Im not exhibiting this year .. just to tired i hope to start again but ive been dropped from the local one as they make room for 'new' artists well i sold a lot of my paintings and made them a lot of money i hope they regret their move as i wont be going back.
i have 2 other local ones i sell at but this year im on a break, i need some me time.

well thats my news so far ... january blues - february dull drums to come :/ :/ hate this time of year roll on spring or even better summer !

Friday, 8 January 2016


Where do we beging for 2016

Secondly New years resolution
Well i dont really do them but its a good time to start a new with things and one of the usual is the DIET  ughh

So .... the diet
AHHHHHHH 3lb first week :) :)
without much effort which im pleased with so here we go ......

As i said in my last post our new year isnt going to be a particularly good one we had sad news  but until that happens i think we must think of her and she wants things to be as 'normal' as possible so until things change we will go on as if we knew no better.

I was back to work just after xmas and im doing mega overtime covering peoples holidays and illness - extra money is nice but it helps with the big bad diet thing and keeps me busy. But im really tired im hoping my healthy eating will at least give me better health ... we will see.

My daughter in law goes back to Mexico for 2 months im hoping she decides to do the next 2 1/2 yrs in which she can do her citizenship otherwise it would mean all this visa stuff again plus 5 yrs begin again . Shes been home sick for some time it will do her (and her family good) and if when shes back she plans to stay she will be looking at getting a job which i think will give her a new outlook friends and be much more beneficial to her well being here in the uk

So on wards through 2016  ... lets have a good one ... at least as good as we can
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Saturday, 2 January 2016


Happy new year everyone  i hope 2016 is the best ever for you

We had a great Christmas with my daughter and her partner having got engaged very pleased for her and her partner, nice to end the year on such a good note.

It was fantastic having all the family together but im exhausted there was an extreme amount to do on the house and lots to clear to make it reasonably back to looking like a house but i made it and im wiped out .. from clearing and cleanin and then  having cooked for everyone when i finally sat down or do i men collapsed :/ i couldnt move i woke up tired and boxing day monday i had to work (also the tuesday) ive been off since and im still cleaning and clearing and shopping ughhh
I have barely sat down and its been so busy at work i truly am exhausted to a point of no return i think :/
It was worth it i guess everyone was so happy we had an excellent time and had a second xmas day round my sisters on the sunday opening pressies and doing it all over again (except dinner we had a very large tea - buffet instead) so theres the table not looking very festive but  crackers lol it did look nice as it goes with my rooms and looked a little more festive with the candles lit and once dinner was served

We are absolutely delighted that we get another wedding in the family it will be afew years yet saving etc but most of all i know they are very happy together, i knew from a young age my daughter had no intentions of marrying and she has been in a few long term relationships but i knew with this one she was different so when her partner proposed i wasnt as surprised as i might have been i guess its finally her time :)

I partied locally for new years eve with friends (not the friends) we had a superb time and gate crashed a party it was brilliant we got home about 4am  - the 'other' friends partied else where i choose nowadays as to where and when i wish to be with them and for the most i guess ive put things aside as ive found it necessary for me and i call them friends and we have good times but for me there will all ways be the betrayal especially of one of them trust will never be there again and the main betrayer shows often in small ways that she cant be trusted  but it no longer matters they no longer have my heart just the friendship i wish to give to them if and when - i have other friends good friends maybe they arent as close as the others were but for that now i have no real close friends maybe some one will come around and i will trust again one day ... who knows ?

oh yes here it is again :/ im Jayne finnegan begin again (again again etc) again :/ started today 2nd jan juiced and souped and salad upped i am the heaviest ive ever been - having been dogged with illness diagnosed with fibro shit myaglia some thing or other its been a struggle plus working and with my mega tired wipe outs its been hard plus ive had that lovely menopause playing hell with me too - i feel like a hunny monster but im to wiped out to do anything ... however, ive not given up trying so here i am starting again . Exercise well i dont think i can at the moment its so difficult and especially after the overload of christmas and work jeeeeez so i will do the food thing for now and then try for more later  ... i so need to lose the weight  ... and i have a wedding some time in the future :)

For us sadly it begins as many have for the last 10 yrs we had news that my nephews wife only 32 only has 8 weeks :( its heartbreaking news they have a 2 yr old, she has a misdiaganosed melanoma and when they finally checked with a biopsy it was to late as its an agressive one. ... what  can one say we are all devasted.

So not such a welcoming 2016 as it might have been it was all looking good but as per usual some thing nasty has stepped in to cause pain in my life - New year is always difficult for me any way i had a previous love who betrayed me on new year and now its bitter sweet that betrayal stuff doesnt leave you it was sooooooo many years ago and he means nothing to me now but the pain pops its head up every year :/ but i grit my teeth shove it back away in the darkest depth of my head and heart and go celebrate the things i have and am lucky to have :)
There is much to look forward to, yes we have to get over a major heartbreaking hurdle but we will move on as we have done before and tuck it away with other heart aches.

Heres hoping for 2016 to be better as it moves forward we need some thing good  ONCE AGAIN  - HAPPY NEW YEAR X

My fluffy tuppence

My fluffy tuppence

