
my grandson the yoda lol

Monday, 5 April 2010

Hope everyone had a good Easter break :)

Hope your all rested and ready for work tomorrow, hope it was a good holiday for you spent with family and friends :)

Tracy did a beautiful meal Saturday night for us, we crawled home about 2am :/ fortunately we only live one house away lol

Sunday i got a little stressed with the cooking although it all went well, the beef was a little tough and i was so glad i cooked lamb too, bit miffed cos the joint we had the previous week was lovely oh well guess it happens.
We got to meet Steve, the new boyfriend, he seems a nice enough, a lot calmer person than Neil, not that i ever blamed Neil, i knew the poor upbringing he had was almost 100% the reason he is as he is.

We had an enjoyable meal, Steve built like a honey monster :D ate heartily whilst mini mouse Viki, ate like a bird as usual.
It was sooooooo nice having all the family together, the shock of losing Neil as a family member is no longer so strange, i guess acceptance has set in, Neil made it easier for us as he moved on his self quite quickly although we did have some paddy attacks from him.
It was a lovely day, very enjoyable and relaxing.

Still even though the weekend has been generally good here comes the bad bit .... yes i say again there always is in my world :(

Sadly during the early hours of the morning i got a text from a friend, she had a domestic with the hubby and came up, we chatted for a while, i put her to bed on the sofa and finally worn out myself went to bed, i heard her leave about 8 am she had come to a decision of what she wanted to do. She called me later in the day and let me know things were ok and some issues had been sorted. Im so glad shes ok PHEW!
In saying that i am worried about her, and have been for quite some time, i hope she continues to come to me in her hours of need and not do what my daughter done and bottle it up till she could take no more.
My Viki had a few drinks and was found jumping in front of cars trying to end things :( fortunately she is ok, she did fall over and broke her 2 front teeth, she had such beautiful teeth, but its only cosmetic and although it has cost she now has some new ones.
Today you can see the change in her, shes so much happier. I hope my friend can find some peace too.

Monday ummm ive lazed, its my last day as ive now got to really hit the diet and exercise for the big 50 do i want to be this size a DEFINITE NO!
Well lets see how i get on, one thing i must do is get out of this house. Its so easy to laze and begin again tomorrow, whilst traveling several times to the fridge having just that one chocolate biscuit and at the end of the cup of tea only 3 are left from a full packed :o how does that happen, that you dont see yourself stuff it ??? auto mode, denial .....SIGH
Maybe with spring/summer arriving it will help.

so thats it for my Easter despite a small interlude most of it has been restful and good :) and more special with my family here :) :)

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