
my grandson the yoda lol

Sunday, 6 February 2011

you just cant keep hoping !

Beam me up scottie :/

How do you keep trying and hoping when everything you do just knocks you down and kicks you while your there?
I keep begining again i keep trying and what do i get for it ?
Yes im in my usual low flu has knocked me for six, im sleeping forever at the moment im so tired and weak i cant describe.
Today my cars gone in for repair, or possibly new engine costing a small fortune with money we dont have to spare :(
Rowed with the hubby as i do have a 12k beautiful merc sat out side rotting GRRRRRRR it keeps being put aside and once again the money has to go else where

My art show is pending (24th feb) and one of my canvas has spoiled dont know if i can finish in time :( im really concerned now plus i dont have a damn car!!!!

Ive not heard from work after the promise of starting so im looking for some thing else (part time) although at the moment i would be glad to get off the sofa for more than half hour without conking out!
DIET ha ha ha - im working on it - im trying to build my strength and in turn eat decent food to help get my energy back - i have lost 4lbs i think probably more by default than by design.
i need to get this weight off to help with the energy and fitness side but i need the energy and fitness to lose the weight CATCH 22 :/ 

Been to docs nothing to be done with flu course not what can they do ? thats why ive not bothered dragging myself down there people keep saying go to docs well i did and im no better off - well actually thats not true im worse off  ha ha yes course i am - why ? well i had a cyst come up infected nasty ewwww yuk one ive been put on antibiotics which 'could' cause nausea and mild upset stomach well nothing mild about what i had (im assuming cos im not up to scratch yet its hit me ) felt sick for 3 days now and sat on loo for most of it too :( (no i lost the 4lbs before the tablets lol)
cyst burst after getting back from docs :S :S :S but unlike last time where it shot out clean and cleared up this has oozed and gone nasty it stings and i feel like crap to so yes i have to laugh cos if i cry i definately wont stop :'(

Im kinda thinking this blog should be named 'things just keep getting worse'
GIVE ME A BREAK - this isnt being tested this is just being tortured :'(
What did i do that deserved all this unending crap ??

Im sooooooooooo tired soooooooo fed up and i dont know i can do this for much longer, i just dont have anything left  - im drained dry 
5 yrs of my life just disappeared im 50 and its all just passing me by.  I know we all have problems and im willing to deal with them as they come but come on this is ridiculous!! no one and i mean no one can keep this up without feeling down and i was already at the bottom. I just want a rest, no worry for just a bit i want to be well and then if i still have this crap to put up with it at least i have a fighting chance instead of being kicked in the teeth time and time again while im down
AND damn scottie still hasnt beamed me up!!

Dont worry peeps im venting - i need to SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAM  

I was starting feb off as my new year start (again) but as above more crap more headaches im just very tired and wiped out  so im off to conk out again 
Hey who knows i will prob start my new year again next blog -things can only get better?  well it needs to be soon !

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