
my grandson the yoda lol

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

whats going on ....well ummmm

Well the news about Tikka so far so good but vet bill has wiped us out - its all  upset me greatly and its been a difficult week 

The diet  :/
Well good and bad news - bad first get it out of the way yep you guessed it diet out the window stress and worry over tikka and paying for her vet treatment :/ been eating rubbish more and more no skipping last few days BUT back to it tomorrow

Good bit is despite the above ive lost 2lb whoo hoo :D well chuffed just hoping ive not sabbotaged myself so like i say back to it tomorrow :S

Little else happening  - specially now we are skint £1400 vet bill is not funny my sister has lent me some till next week which has helped but OUCH - we still have the boiler to pay for eeek but the can be juggled my car wont be back on the road any time soon :/ i still have the corsa the tank seems ok now i will just have to manage.
Viki has had some one call her back for a job so fingers crossed she needs a good little job
Birthdays are due Will 51 on 17th money short now so not much happening for  him maybe a nice meal out then liam 25th  he will be 15th 
Pain has eased in my knees and back not gone but more manageable still resting up want to make sure they are better before i try getting back to normal just dont wanna be doing this again i know from the past if i get back to it to soon im right back where i started in no time. 

Easter is this weekend 

We have just had the hottest march since 1964 this weekend we are forcast snow - its already crept into scotland  hmmmph who would have thought  grrrr  typical or what !

Thats it for now folks - im off to bed not been sleeping so well :/ that dont help with diets and i am well tired relief tikka is ok :)



  1. Wow, hello, thank you for your kind comment. i'm delighted to meet a fellow brit on this path to where we are all going! I love the fact the blogging community makes the world so much of a smaller place....however we brits are few and far between here so it is wonderful to say hi! I shall follow along your blog from now on

    1. your right it is rare to find a fellow brit ... my blogs a total mish mash of random thoughts i need to vent but i hope you find some bit interesting - the diet ummmm im still trying and love reading your blog ... good luck :)


My fluffy tuppence

My fluffy tuppence

