Omg still losing people
My (ex) friends nan doreen passed away and yesterday i went to Chris H's he was only 43 i was 8 when he was born on xmas day brother to my best friend Sue and my mum made him her favourite
He was born with problems my mum just molly coddled him and he lived in her pocket i guess she would be one of the first to greet him in heaven his brother graham is already there dying at 43 also a few years earlier and their dad ron last year sues hubby alan joined them too at age 54 so you see its not only me been through the mill with bereavements :/
RIP Chris
Well i cant remember (and ive not read back) what i was last time i posted but ive lost 24lbs yo yoing at the moment but generally maintaining i do need to lose the same again but OMG how much better do i feel and im in a uk 14 2 dress sizes smaller whooooooo hooo
ive had bit of a make over
I cant even tell you how many compliments ive had about the hair :D
this was my outfit to the wedding more pics to follow
The diet is only what i was already eating however i now choose to eat more of the lower fat/cal ones and less of the higher - i still have my cheese on toast but lots less of it ive not changed the foods i eat just which i eat more of and which i eat less of i now choose to keep cheese bread etc to a minimum and its worked - ive been lax since the wedding and need to get back on track i sooooooo do not want to be putting any back on and like i say im yo yo ing a bit :/
I will start monday (few false starts already) but with bereavements again its been difficult.
The friendship thing has taken a turn
I had pretty much moved on other than Friend T because of the wedding and stuff
All was much the same at the wedding (photos later) i almost relented when i saw friend V sat there looking miserable but later was glad i didnt relent as ive said many times i did nothing to deserve being treated as i have been it wasnt my place to make the first move its always me ending up sorting things but no i cant keep doing it :/
Anyway the wedding was good - ive stayed friends with t but im not happy with her behaviour although its improved of late but that may be because the 'ISSUE' has now to some degree been resolved. more on that in a mo wedding pics.....
So - since the wedding ive relaxed more and got on with my own things
I went to see sally morgan - she was good i did think all the people ive lost there might have been someone -
Well as i said above doreen passed away
I never went - oddly friend t did even though shed didnt know her apparently she was being there for 'my' friend errr ex friend
I sent flowers and got a text from t saying v and d had said to thank me for them.
Well hubby and i went out that night had a good evening about town met friends in the various pubs but ended at the snooker
As i sat at the bar T came asked me if i had seen my messages but i had left my phone on charge at home she gave me her phone which had a message on from v and d saying time to put things aside (used her phone for my number) - t asked would i but as is sat there d came up hugged me thanked me for the flowers and asked if things could be put to rest between us (not that i had ever rowed with her or done anything she decided to believe v and never even asked my side :/ however) i hugged her back and said course i was willing to for me more than them life is to short and nothing like some one passing to remind you of it.
V had gone off to see her granddad home but when she came back she came and stood by me and started crying so i hugged her she called me a bitch i said she was one too but only in training she did start to throw things up and i cut her short and said end of or forget it i really wasnt going down that road - i knew i couldnt resolve things before for this exact reason.
But she did shut up and i have spoken to them all since - we dont get included in the invites and ive not been asked back to darts new season i doubt i will be asked but i guess that will show just where i stand with them.
my thoughts of friend t are still feeling hurt and that shes untrust worthy - i am aware shes jealous she likes to gloat that she is now in my shoes and i wont forgive her for that not ever she should have stood by me especially as it was her complaining about the driving :/ :/ oh yes!! they dont know that!! shes looked after her self and forgotten her loyalty to a 40 year friend but for the 2nd time.
So its still a watch this space
As for me im plodding on - not to well at mo and my lounge is a tip as we are finally getting those tiles down that have been there for 6 months lol photos of old and new look fire place i prefered all white but we needed a tile or some thing to help with the heat and cracking the white just looked horrible and a bit grubby def the black looks better. pics to follow
thats it for now folks a fairly quick catch up im very tired was a long long day yesterday and its been a busy week , actually its been a busy few months , menopause has hit me at mo but im hoping next week i can get back to looking after me :)
aww my lovely white carpet last look its now gone :( |
not yet grouted or painted but the look almost there |
now grouted just needs the white painted |
chris's flowers taking to mums grave looks good on my fire place though |
the before photo all white |
Black floor to come will post next time i hope if its finished (ever) ;/
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