Well ----- here i am yet again
Its been a long long while i missed out 2014 blogging completely
2013 was a superb year the best ever a relief after those 7 yrs of pooooop and i hoped it would be the start of 7 good years ...........However,
2014was erratic ups and downs but never so bad as those 7 yrs im glad to say
The downs were my health the Fibromyagia thingy ive apparently got has been difficult to deal with and understand - all my fight to get well from depression was stripped from me with fibro wiping me out and in pain.
We sadly lost other friends (not so close but still a shock) We also sadly lost our mums dear litte Tikka we did all we could to keep her with us but in the end she was suffering and i had to make that awful decision - shes now at peace and with my mum . We also lost old girl twink - good loyal lovely cat she passed away whilst i was at work . We miss them both so much our house has changed so much.
The house seems very strange ... kind of empty.
My grandson has still been living with us - now working and turning 18 in april (omg where did that time fly to? ) Hes now been sent home to live although he stays often.
My son and his wife have now been here a year - Viri is a delightful young woman lovely lovely girl.
They are hoping to start a family so hoping their wishes come true soon
They are off back to Mexico for 2 weeks then will return here for another year im glad viri will get to see her family its been difficult as she has no family or friends here but shes now made a couple of friends and all in all she has settled well . Her family dont know they are returning for 2 weeks so a wonderful surprise for them :)
As for me ughhh still trying to diet :/ especially as my niece is getting married in june do i begin again again again - its a struggle with my various ills and extreme tiredness and more so now as i am BACK IN THE WORK FORCE... yep i decided time i got back to doing some thing and have a job as ward clerk on maternity unit at local hospital and although i love it omg is it manic lol it also adds to the difficulty of dieting as it wipes me out
I have an art show coming up and i need to move my bum on that :/ the feb one dropped me as i never sold any last year ... well thanks for that guys after all the money i earned you :/
So lifes very much different these days
I have 1/3 of a permanent kitchen :D the house is still being worked on :/
Wilf is well although he seems more tired of late hes put on weight again but just as we all are hes getting older just he thinks hes still 18 and can do all that he used too
In the next year or so we hope to be in a position that we can sit back and spend time money on us and relaxing holidays etc.
Im hoping to get back to blogging frequently if not regularly but i am so much busier these days
Im also hoping so much better depression wise im coping better even with the losses we are still enduring.
we have had some good summer fun during 2014 so heres some pics :)
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