
my grandson the yoda lol

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Dust de Dust de Dust :/

De dusting.... cough wheeze splutter, took me all day ... ive only done the lounge, admittedly ive been very thorough due to necessity of the allergy but i still have rest of house to do :/ oh well im having lunch.

One of my little chooks (who have not been laying lately ) has kindly laid an egg so im having full fat bread (toast) butter and its fried with its dark golden runny yolk along with the usual drop of yellow on my jumper :/ oh well its all part an parcel of enjoying an egg YUM!
A rare treat among the days of dieting which are doing absolutely nothing anyway :/

The diet is going no where fast and i can only look on at other bloggers with envy as i yo yo, i am off up to the gym later, my diet has been very good to what it normally is so whys it not coming off ? ... well i dont know (SNARL) it seem to be going on if i sniff food but i can work my socks off for 2 weeks and do i lose a lb? no i put it on... growl!

De dust de dust has not helped as its left me feeling weak and lethargic its been hard to breathe and know ive not worked quite as hard as normal at the gym but i have been going and i extended my time as i wanted to up my pace so i was doing around about the same cal burn off as a hard work out.
I have def got to get rid of the bread which also comes with butter although lately its been reduced to almost nothing.
My friend keeps saying my body may be adjusting, errr well its taking a damn long time it dont seem to need to adjust to put it on :(

So lunch done, back to de dust what a chore :( guess its the joys of having an extension to the house, im just wishing it was finished now but because hubby is rarely here it gets started and left started and left and drags on ... i told him i may employ a builder to finish :o he was not impressed :)

De dust is calling... wheeze


  1. Hi, Ms. Jaynie! Thank you so much for your kind, supportive comments. You're always so uplifting!

    I'm so sorry your allergies are kicking your heiny -- and I wish for you quick relief so you can start to feel better, my sweet friend.

    Many hugs your way! By the way -- Liam is ADORABLE! Love his 'smiling eyes'! Yoda most certainly would approve him for Jedi training. ;)

    Peace and serenity,

  2. i love your blogs jo :)
    Grandson is getting to be a teenager this year and the attitude thing is just starting to kick in but hes lovely and congratulations to you too how lovely for your xxx


My fluffy tuppence

My fluffy tuppence

