
my grandson the yoda lol

Friday, 26 March 2010

Having a good catch up with bloggers

I feel so envious of those bloggers that have such cool sites, many that i visit im just struck with awe and wishing i could make mine so interesting.
My blog started after seeing a friend write her journey and i thought it might help me... which it has...

Its been my own diary, allowing myself to vent, scream, be miserable, cry, laugh and all sorts for what ive needed as i fight depression and the crap my life has in it at the moment.All though my fight goes on daily, i am improving and with each day of improvement, i find with reading the blogs i follow that they helped me and i would like to have my blog do the same for others.
I would like more now than just my own diary, so watch this space!

Sad news of the day cos its everyday in my world :( as many know!

The Landlord is renovating the pub to a 'posh' restaurant (think i said in last blog) It may mean the end of our darts team after all this time.
Darts helped me through the worst of my life, being with the girls a night out and friendly competition took me away (some times) from the reality of the trauma i was going through. Its been some thing ive loved to do, and im quite good at and of course the girls, we laugh and chat and support each other, get drunk and fall in hedges once in a while. Its a sad time i hope we can find another home but its not likely at the moment ....Thanks Richard i hope throwing away all that you had doesnt come back to bite you ... although some times i hope it does (mean thought :S not really meant but....)

Oh and yes that horrible thing the big 5 0 is looming nearer.

People are sneaking about re what to get me and do for me :/ i would be quite happy to hide in the corner of the shed and pretend its not happened. I hope they realise im not ready for parties i really dont think i could do something like that omg! NOTE tell kids to make sure no one does that!!

Good news :) thats a newby lol
Well im not under the weather although that friend of mine has a tummy bug and one of the other girls has it now :/ ive told them to stay away from me.
Im almost done de-dusting and breathing has improved.
Spring is here i have daffodil's showing their little faces :) in full bloom bright and sunny yellow, warmth and sunshine to catch up !

Ive Enjoyed a day reading others blogs some sad some inspiring all of them very good (thats why im following i guess) but its time to go back and get on with the de-dust. My allergy is main reason but it also complies with my daughters request to tidy my house before she allows the new boyfriend to come over and meet us ummm! take us as he finds us is what i told her, but she is right its time to clear and clean now where is she i need help!

Tea time before the 1st bedroom is tackled :)

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