~What on earth is the matter with people???
I sooooooo cant believe them and their rudeness ignorance and unbelievable arrogance
the one rule for me and another one for you. i will do as i wish and you should like it or lump it but if you do anything i will report you to the authorities or make your life miserable blah blah blah
Ive just had a huge HUGE row with the neighbours ... car parking this time ... they insist in parking their huge 4x4 right up to the bumper of our vehicles (on the road, we have little drive way space) when actually they have about 5ft in front ??? so why is it necessary to block us in? thougthless b*****ds sorry but grrrrrrrrrrrrrr so yesterday, i politely went out as the wife having parked gone in with her shopping and come out again to move the car further back just to make sure we couldnt move anywhere.... as i approached she said oh am i blocking you in ... i said well yes, ( doh! didnt say that out loud by the way)
she said: im just having abby (daughter) dropped off
i said : im not meaning now you have blocked us in all week, why do you need to pull you vehicle back so far?
she said we leave a little space for tracy (neighbour other side)
i then showed her the 5ft she left for them and asked why they she could leave them that amount of space but had to block us in so we couldnt move including just now when she went out of her way to come back out and move it tighter to our vehicles
i pointed out that she had already hit my merc
she said noooooooooo
i said oh yes and you only got away with it because by the time we found out we couldnt prove it
she said noooooooo
i said oh yes sarah you were seen but we just didnt know in time and we will be making sure you dont do it again
she said (quite snottily ) i will park my car out side my house if i want to
i said dont turn arsey with me , cos you wont like what you get back, if you so rude and ignorant as to continually block us in then i can be just as ignorant and i will begin with calling the enviromental health about that disgusting rat infested garden of yours, then i will call social services about the filthy house your bringing your children up in and i have a dozen or more other things i can be ignorant and arsey about
i then said dont F**k (soory peeps ) with me i will be your worst nightmare as long as you carry on parking there
she put her finger to her mouth to shhhhhh me
i said dooooo NOT even go there
at this point she scuttled past me and ran in
i had bearly shut my front door (FUMING) when the husband came to my door
he said does there seem to be a problem (omg F******G unbelieveable) sorry again !
i said yes but it seems your to ignorant to work it out
he said well firstly i think you owe sarah an apology
i said i dont F*****g think so!!!!!!!!
he said thats why
i said i will say and do as i like just as you do i how ever am not ignorant enough to cause you problems i dont deliberately block your vehicles in so you cant get out we actually go out of our way to make sure we dont but you dont give a shit!
you block us in and you think im going to apologise cos she gets snotty for being politely asked not to do so, and sends you round here cos she didnt like the reaction in invoked
he said i will come back when your calmer
i said dont bother, i wont be getting any calmer
at this point he walked away
i said when you apologise for us having to ask you to move your vehicles after blocking us in all week and causing all this in the first place i will explain to your wife why she wont be getting an apology
having reached his door i called over sit and have a little think about how you would like it if we did it to you and by the way while you look down your nose at us perhaps you could look around and clean up the filthy pit you live in its disgusting, i may swear occasionally when angry but my home is spotless so dont patronise me about swearing when your not only ignorant but live like that!
at which point he disappeared
tonight the 4x4 is parked with room for us to move our vehicles :D oddly tracy (the other neighbour has more than plenty of room i am puzzled however that they were willing to give her so much room and having hit our car once (although got away with it) were happy to block us in... what did we do to deserve that?? i think its this that angered me even more and the fact that she kept making excuses to park like that when she had another 5ft she could move up
is it me ?? can they really be that thoughtless rude and ignorant???
SADLY i seem to be surrounded but them (ignorant idiots that is) :(
on a lighter note the fair is here this week (sadly no THAME Show this year they moved it to july and lost out with all the flower displays plant stalls etc cos of course it was wrong time of year )
but we have the 3 day fair taking up the town
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