
my grandson the yoda lol

Sunday, 5 September 2010

ooops its been a while :/

Unhappily ive been away for a while, trying to cope with full time working and the usual grind of daily life but also not really being 100% well, its taken its toll and ive been sooooooo tired.
Work is good and refreshing change to my domant life but i wish it was only part time.
Hubby and i have worked over my viki's house tidying and
finishing off all that we can and of course our own home has needed time too still lots to do.So whats been happening ? not much ive been so tired between all the grafting. Cleaning the house seems to be an on going chore that never ends :(

Ive begun the dreaded dieting again and so far a measly 31/2lb in 4 weeks :/ and ive been so good and worn out from the hard w
ork ive been doing in the gardens. Im soooooo tired and achey i should have lost huge amounts but no whilst i sit in the class (being the lowest loser) a pain of envy comes over me when other members say they had a bad week and only lost 3lbs omg its taken me 4 weeks to lose that :( :(
Am i doing something wrong? dont think so im following diet by the book im working off the calories (no its to soon to be musc
le gain as much as i would like to think it was ) I really cant work out how i ache like this and lost next to nothing ?Ive tried this week to reduce the cals a little more but after only 2 days its just left me hungry and had to really restrain myself from the naughty food so i went back to my book.
oh well plod on ........... and on ............ ive a long way to go!

Garden is getting done im well pleased with p
ond almost finished just waterfall to sort out and im even more pleased the hard work is done think it just about killed me i woke up with rigamortis on several occasions :/My grapes have been really lovely this year and were yum ... plums are now ripe and im munching through them, had some superb cucumbers but tomatoes not done so well, still we had a few and they taste sooooooo nice, nothing like home grownMy viki's garden is sorted for this year, we are gonna be doing a new driveway for her and that will be it at her place, ours needs to be finished this next year or so we plan to do a lot of flitting away abroad :DI got my bargain of the month from an auction, having had my lounge coffee table snaffled by Nick for his huge tv, i found this one at the auction for a measly £15 whooo hooo well chuffed :) My previous bargain was the rusty heron ive been after for a long long time about £70 -£80 i got it for £26 whhoooooooaaaa :D
Well im off to have a quick browse at the blogs i follow then bed im sooooooo tired and bit of a headache busy day at work tomorrow :/

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