AHHHH am truely pleased to hear that for one blogger who ive been following Diary of a sad housewife Things have got better :) gives us all hope!
http://theendoftherainbowlifeafterbankruptcy.blogspot.com/ now known as end of the rainbow life after bankruptcy !
Things still not so good here but maybe on its way, Will is doing some work today snow is thawing a little although 'some' weather men say we have more to come and more freezing conditions but who knows every channel says different and even what they said 5mins before changes the next moment so im looking out the window each morning im hoping now work will pick up for will.
Ive decided maybe i should start looking, our money is tied up for another 2 yrs and its unfair for will to be saddled with the financial burden on his own. His work and pay is so erratic at least while i worked we had some back up.
Fortunately during my illness i was able to contribute through my shares but they are now on thin ground and the rest is in investments which we cant touch for the next 2 yrs. So im not sure what i will be doing but have looked and found a couple of possibles so here goes (GULP!)
Im getting concerned now, bills are starting to dribble through although not due till feb we are now half way through Jan :S, i have 2 bills outstanding and now feel a slight panic inside i've always been very carefull not to have debts but when there is no income what so ever what do you do?? Illness has also interupted our financial standing not only with the loss of my income but also in organising our money has always been up to me and i wasnt able to even brush my hair some days so how could i deal with finances? so muddled and messed up it has taken months to sort out several years of messed up accounts, only for this to happen when finally sorted.
Course it didnt help having a purge on the extension to finish nicks room, but i couldnt live with the mess any longer, and course we didnt foresee the snow and work slow up, the slow up of work is of course the worst, after all snow melts eventually (i hope lol) Will had work going in to Feb that suddenly vanished before xmas so here we are :S
Also the break up of nicks and viki's relationships nick is pining and we miss neil he had become part of the family but i guess thats life but it yet another blow and heart wrench :( to add to the list.
Well i lost 5lbs in my detox despite the nasty pmt and im on track with my diet so far, i cant gym snow prevents and im still carless ...yes i could trek down the gym but by the time i get there (quite a journey) im to shattered and frozen to do a work out! (assuming i get there in the snow need ski's at the moment lol)
Ive seen no one and heard from no one .. i have darts tomorrow, sadly i will be on water or diet coke cheapest of which, i do have to be carefull till i know something is coming in.. but its Mels birthday, then my friend Vikki's then we also have an engagement ... What the hell do you do for presents on no money?
I have to think positive and i guess things have improved some what over the past years less bereavements, i am now recovering, the house is more finished than it was the ony problem is one improvement is followed by some other nightmare begining :(
COME ON 2010 time for things to get better for everyone !!!!
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