Ummmph PMT totally wrecked my detox :( although finally feeling a little better today i am still quite tired, cramps have eased again thankfully just a tummy ache remains. Ive not eaten again today other than a slice of toast i forced down myself not wanting to go in to that non eating storage mode that i have done before, but now i think i can eat so i have put some chicken on, no veggies having been snowed in and pmt ive not ventured to get fresh and i used the few rare cans i buy as back up only have tin toms so will mash a bit of potatoe and that will have to do ~ hubby will be happy food at last not that he couldnt make something his self :/, hes been the usual pain in the bum! only does it when im ill suddenly needs me to do stuff errrr do it yourself im UNWELL!!! I cant move to drink my cup of tea and you want me doing what !!!!!
I truely believe that men should at least for a year in their life time suffer the effects of that nasty monthly thing us women have to deal with ... and all though they take the micky out of us 'ahh it must be her wrong week' i also believe they have just as many 'wrong weeks' the just dont have the other bit :S they certainly have the mood swings (i have 7 brothers husband son and male friends so have first hand knowledge that they all have these monthly moods) unlike us women they have nothing to connect it with ~ if its not that then theyre all arses once a month and some more often lol!
Ummmm so this diet thingy cant do much now will have a go again tomorrow hopefully, is not eating better than stuffing biscuits toast etc? its not done me favours in the past last twice i was sick i put on 3lbs both times :( there was me thinking a stone had gone each time grr lol
Ive looked at quite a few blogs now, ive found several where diets are under way and its been great reading them, some have done soooooo well and it inspires me and even though others are struggling they are still positive and still working on it.
Many of my friends are dieting ~ me and trace have been going to the gym regular shes lost a stone ive put on 8lbs :S ( have to put down to illness grr)
Mel has been on the lite a life diet she originally lost 5 1/2 stone only to put 4 back on when she started eating ~ i do have to say it wasnt a suprise watching her eat on a darts night i dont think she changed her habits she picked up 4 chips at a time and before she had eaten them she was doing it again the other girls picked up one chip and chatted drank or at least paused to chew before attempting another ~ the thing that worried me was the fact that it appeared she was unaware of doing it ~ almost automatic ~ part of the lite a life is the councelling which clearly never worked for mel. She has now gone back on it and has lost 5 stone = 6 1/2 stone total so WELL DONE her i just hope, bless her, they have taught her to eat to maintain this time, it worries me her body wont keep taking such huge losses and gains.
Another friend who tells me she has always had weight problems finallly decided to go for the op and is doing soooooooo well i follow her blog (was her that led me here and i thank her cos it truely helps me writing my ramblings down) I am so pleased for her.
My story is different to most ~ i never had a weight problem, 7 stone weakling all my life i could eat what i liked and never a lb did move. my son and daughter are the same nick is only bigger now cos he took that nasty stuff and has been body building working away his skinny frame my daughter is as i always was, i did look a little more on the annorexic side being slightly taller, my clothes needed to fit tightly otherwise i looked like a bag of bones. Being to skinny is much the same as being to fat i had all the name calling all the weight issues.
Things changed for me after a back injury, i was laid up for months and did little for 2 yrs i was under 6 stone when i got out of hospital and they only let me out on condition i put on weight, to which my mum continually fed me every thing she could as time wore on and only being able to get to the fridge and back my time was filled with eating and there the bad habit was born! The other thing i was unaware of was the tablets, Even after all this time im sooooooooo ANGRY about it, i couldnt work out why i was gaining weight so rapidly i had put my eating in check and was moving about as much as possible but the weight gains were huge, despite my mothers attempts and later mine i just knew there was some problem other than food. The tablets i was on caused weight gain well thank you doc, ive now got to over weight (which the drs now happily moan about) and spent years trying to get back to a reasonable weight. I came off immediately but according to reports i have read about the tablets they stay in your system, change your metabolism apparently .
During my 40's illness continually hit me and despite attempts i really havent made any progress on dieting in addition to the fact that ive only really just learnt what im supposed to do i never ever had to exercise or check calories and found the whole process alien to my previous life style.
Here i begin again and there will be many more beginings i have no doubt but i am now to the stage where i need to do this its a necessity in me a yearn to be fitter slimmer and happier, ive been to one of the lowest points in my life and now i need to move on up :)
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